Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Fitness Goals

I will first start with story time so my goals make more sense...

Two years ago, I randomly developed horrible anxiety (the source is unknown to me) complete with panic attacks, insomnia, and extreme nausea. I could barely function due to a constant lack of sleep and I never wanted to go anywhere whether it was school, work, or social functions because I was always sick. The only upside was a 20 pound weight loss. Everyone thought I looked great but I only shared with those close to me that I was in my own private hell. In April of last year, I went to three doctors and had several blood tests and exams; all came back 100% normal. I then went on an anti-anxiety medication and it took about 3 full months to really kick in. With the anxiety gone, my weight was back on plus some by July. I was used to eating anything I wanted and not exercising (I literally had zero strength to exercise before) and it really caught up with me.

I then joined a gym and started eating better and since July I have lost 30 pounds/2 dress sizes. I'm currently exactly at the anxiety ridden weight and I want to lose 15-20 more pounds (my high school weight) and tone up. I've been successful at doing cardio for an hour about 5 days/week but my strength training/weights have been lacking. I'm considering hiring a personal trainer to help motivate me and design strength training workouts that work for me.
My biggest goal is to have killer biceps and triceps as I plan on wearing a strapless dress at my wedding. If any of you have tips on arm workouts, please do let me know!

A New Start

After becoming frustrated with a viewer limit on the blogger calendar application, I decided it was time to start a new blog dedicated to health and fitness.
With my wedding a little over a year away, I want to start planning my fitness and diet routines and keep track of them. I already eat well and exercise on a regular basis but it's time to kick it up a notch. I figure documenting my progress will hold me more accountable in terms of what I eat and how often I work out.
This blog will {hopefully} include my daily meals, recipes, photos of my progress, work out tips, work out logs, and goals.